Friday, July 6, 2007

Sorry it has been so long.......

Hello Everyone!!!!
Sorry it has been so long we just seem to be busy living everyday life and I have not been so good about updates.

We have been blessed everyother week to have our sweet cousin Jake or Jakey as we like to call him, here at the house to play with the kids. So it is like11/2 year old twins and a 4 year old. We have great fun playing in the sandbox and enjoying the beautiful summer. Jakey is a sweet little guy and we have so much fun watching him laugh. His smile lights up the room.

Gracie is growing like a weed and is mama's little helper. She just can't wait to grow up and be a wife and mom. And every other minute she is in full dress up playing married. She loves to play imagination. It is so fun to listen to her singing and playing in her room or outside in a whole other world. The eyes of a child are so beautiful. It reminds us to stop and see life new again.

Ashy is growing like a weed too!!! He is tall and skinny. He loves to play ball and climb up everything always on the move. He had his first trip to the hospital after falling and crashing from a chair to the floor with a big cut in his mouth and almost broken nose. Everything is okay and he is recovering with two black eyes and a bruised nose and lip. But so far it has not stopped his fearless go getter approach to life. :)

Keller is working hard and we are so proud of him and Thankful for all he provides our family. We are both really enjoying our life and our two beautiful kids. :)