Saturday, June 21, 2008


The Redwoods near Cresent City, CA and the Ocean are the perfect blend of God's amazing, glorious and beautiful creation. The ocean with its beauty and calm and the Giant Redwood trees are sureal in the grandness and strength. It was wonderful to sit in awe of all God has created and the blessing that we are able to marvel at it. You can not help but be at peace and the world just slipped away for a few days.

Day one we got on the road early and traveled to a neat little cabin that was in Klamath, CA right before the Tress of Mystery. The next day we all got up and drove into Crescent City and Keller did a few hours of field work on the Airport and the kids and I wen to the beach and relaxed and collected sea shells and just enjoyed the sound of the waves and the sea lions off in the distance. Then we picked Keller up and headed for The Trees of Mystery and of course to say hi to Paul Bunyon and Babe the ox. Then we went on a walking tour and a sky tram ride through the trees. I personally was not a huge fan of the sky tram.....It went way way above the trees to a mountain top lookout. Swinging above the trees is not my idea of fun. :D We then took a neat drive along the coast mixed with the redwoods. We toured the Lady Bird Johnson grove and then ended the day with a picnic dinner on the beach to watch the sunset. I could not think of a better way to spend the day.

Day Three we started our journey home. We went for a morning walk along the beach and collected more sea shells. Then got in the car and did another driving tour through the Jedediah Smith forest. Our next stop brought us to Grants pass Oregon for lunch and a little walk around the town center. Then back on the road to Ashland Oregon for ice cream and to look at the cute shops. Then for a long drive back home.

It was so relaxing and a huge blessing to go on this trip.